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Our Work

Below are just a small select few projects that we have worked on in this past. Enjoy!


Visage Test Station

This test station was for a consumer product that would "shave" any unwanted hair by using directed heat flashes. The test station carried out life cycle testing on the devices as well as the flash bulb.

Hydraulic Clamp Unit

This Hydraulic clamping unit was a custom design to integrate with a CNC machine to hold brake caliper parts while they are being finished.

2014-10-09 15.32.10.jpg
2014-11-17 13.01.35.jpg

Cable Reel 

The cable reel  was a concept design cell that was used as a sub assembly cell to cut large SOOW cable to length. By using the simple to use HMI interface, any length up to 250 feet with their cable could be selected.

Beauty Case 

This project was an automated work cell that riveted two pieces of material together to form a mold for Beauty cases and a large retailer. 

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